Key Request Procedure

  1. The Seattle Central College Key Authorization & Request form can be found below:
  2. The program or departmental dean or director completes the Key Authorization & Request form for their respective staff member(s). Master Keys require approval from a Vice-President or President.
  3. Scan and email the fully completed form to Safety and Security at
  4. Safety and Security staff review the form for completeness. If approved, keys will be produced.
  5. Requester is notified via email that keys are ready for pickup. Please allow at least 3 days for keys to be ready and plan for longer wait times during busy periods.
  6. Staff keys issued by the program or departmental dean or director and issued to staff and then returned to the program or departmental dean or director by a staff member leaving the college shall be returned immediately to Campus Security. They shall not be handed off to another [remaining] employee. When an employee is hired for the departed staff member’s position, a new Key Request form shall be completed and requested.
  7. Lost keys shall be reported immediately using the SCC Lost/Stolen Key Report Form located HERE.
  8. Returned keys require completion of the SCC Key Return Form and the keys returned to the Campus Safety and Security Department (2BE1108). The SCC Key Return form can be located HERE.