Faculty Award for Excellence and Faculty Award for Innovation
Dan Evans Chair/Faculty of Excellence Award This award honors outstanding instructional accomplishments and exceptional individual scholastic achievements. Two faculty members will be announced during the last week of Spring Quarter. Each will receive $1,500 from the Seattle Central Foundation and will have their names and division displayed on the award website. Nomination form. Note: In 2020 the Dan Evans Chair for Exceptional Faculty and the Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Service awards were merged.
The Dan Evans Chair honors former Washington State Governor Daniel J. Evans, who championed and signed into law the Community College Act of 1967. Seed funding for the award was provided through the district-wide major gifts campaign, Building the Best. Funds have been matched by the WA State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.
Dan Evans Innovation Award was honors former Washington State Governor Daniel J. Evans, who championed and signed into law the Community College Act of 1967. This award recognizes an innovative project or class that improved learning at Seattle Central. One $1,500 award is granted annually. Individual Dan Evans Awards will be based on completed projects that demonstrate measurable outcomes involving classroom, curriculum, or the community. Nomination form.
Charles Kane Award for Innovation is a districtwide award that rotates among the colleges and this year is Seattle Central’s year for recognition. This $2,000 award honors Dr. Charles Kane, former Seattle Community Colleges Chancellor (1992 to 1998). Funds support development of innovative projects or classes to improve learning. Award funds can be used for in-service training, temporary substitute or replacement costs directly associated with faculty development programs, conferences, travel, publication and dissemination of exemplary projects, a one-time salary supplement, or for expenses associated with the awardee’s program area. Self nominations are accepted. Nomination form.
Nominations are due March 14, 2025.
The Rules
- Nominees must be current part-time or full-time faculty at Seattle Central College who have worked at least one quarter at Seattle Central and three quarters in the past two academic years at the Seattle Colleges.
- Current students, faculty, staff, and administrators may submit nominations. Candidates may receive more than one nomination.
- Nominees must be employed at the time the award is used.
- Award funds can be used for in-service training, temporary substitute or replacement costs directly associated with faculty development programs, conferences, travel, publication and dissemination of exemplary projects, a one-time supplement to the awardee’s salary for the duration of the award, or to pay expenses associated with the awardee’s program area. Funds cannot be used for lobbying or political campaign activities. Funds must be used within one year of award.
- A committee will select the recipients. This committee will be made up of: the two faculty awardees from the previous year, a student, the Dean of Library and Employee Development and the Vice President of Instruction.
- 2025 Nominations are due March 14, 2025.
The Award
- Recipients of the Dan Evans Chair/Faculty of Excellence Award and Dan Evans Innovation Award will receive $1,500 and recognition of their achievements.
- Recipients of the Dan Evans/Faculty of Excellence Award have their names published on the Faculty Award for Excellence and Faculty Award for Innovation Website.
- Recipients of the Charles Kane Award for Innovation receive $2,000 and recognition of their achievements.
- Awardees will participate in the President’s Day Program and serve on next year’s selection committee.
- To nominate a faculty member for the Dan Evans Chair/ Faculty of Excellence Award, please use this Form.
- To nominate a project, instructor or class for the Dan Evans Innovation Award, please use this Form.
- To nominate a faculty member for the Charles Kane Award for Innovation, please use this Form
- Awardees will be announced at the 2025 Seattle Central Service Awards.
Past Winners
Camila Sigelmann (Apparel Design)
Jay McLean-Riggs (Global Health)
Sharon Spence-Wilcox (Information Literacy)
Steve Woods (SVI)
Valerie Hunt (Social & Human Services)
Frank Mestemacher (Wood Technology)
Kimberly McRae (Counseling)
Tsai-En Cheng (Chinese)
Scott Mahoney (Respiratory Care)
Gwen Sweeney (Math)
Katie Roberts (American Sign Language)
Tsai-En Cheng (Chinese)
Gregg Shiosaki (Hospitality & Culinary Arts)
Catie Chaplan (Carpentry)
Felice Tiu (Math)
Bill Newman (Business Technology Management)
Desiree Simons (English)
Carlos Sibaja-Garcia (Seattle Colleges Institute of English)
Jay McLean-Riggs (Global Health)
Dan Evans Chair for Excellent Faculty
Yvonne Chandler (Business Technology Management)
Tracy Lai (History)
Dan Evans Innovation Award
Mimi Aregaye (Math)
Ricco Bonicalzi (Math, Astronomy, & Physics)
Maryanna Firpo (Math)
Anna Jacobs (Math)
Bryan Johns (Math)
Lawrence Morales (Math)
Jane Muhich (Math)
Tesfaye Terefe (Math)
Felice Tiu (Math)
Jonathan Ursin (Math & Physics)
Paul Verschueren (Math)
Jerry Wright (Math)