Umoja Faculty

professor Carl Livingstone speaks at a student event

Umoja Faculty Institute 

Faculty who teach in the Umoja program will have gone through the Umoja University Faculty Institute.  The Umoja faculty institute is designed to allow educators to inquire about and discover teaching and learning practices that impact the Black student experience. Umoja educators will gain an understanding of African-centered praxis through critical examination, collective engagement, and identifying effective strategies to transform the teaching and learning experience into one that contributes to the illumination of Black students’ intellect.  

What to expect from your Umoja faculty

Critical Examination of Theoretical Frameworks – frameworks that explain current structures and experiences as well as a framework that provides the foundation for Umoja educational philosophy and practices. Additionally, your Umoja faculty will be able to do engage in the following: 

  • Ability to reflect on Current Umoja values, philosophies, and practices  
  • Knowledge Construction and Community Building
  • Engagement through Guided Practice   

Meet your faculty

Education:  PhD in Education/Curriculum & Instruction - University of Washington; Education/Curriculum & Instruction - University of Washington 

This I Believe:  "Conventional paradigms and proposals for improving the achievement of students of color are doomed to failure." - Dr. Geneva Gay 

Hobbies:  Going on walks, listening to 1980s & 90s hip hop, seeing my grandkids 

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Education:  BA Psychology - Tennessee State University; MA Developmental Psychology - Antioch University

This I Believe:  There is a direct relationship between the level of education and the standard of living. We need more black and brown teachers.

Hobbies:  Chess, dominoes, fish, swim, ski, bicycling, traveling, judge at high school science fairs

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Education:  BA - Oral Roberts University; JD, Juris Doctor - Notre Dame Law School

This I Believe:  Family is the basic institution; it takes a village to raise a child, to take care of seniors, and for healthy life as an adult. Justice, peace and religion promote the common good. Love is the most powerful and necessary force for humankind.

Hobbies:  Exploring things I cannot afford (expensive homes, yachts, destinations). Reading non-fiction best seller works. Appreciating and studying watches from $50 up to Rolexes.

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Education:  BS, Zoology - Washington State University; MD/MPH - Yale University

This I Believe:  "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world," Dr. Paul Farmer. "The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed," Steve Biko.

Hobbies:  Beach walking, dog walking, reading, films, growing plants and serious conversations

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Education:  BA - Alabama State University; MEd - City University; EdD -  Northeastern University

This I Believe:  "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house" Lorde, A. (2018).

Hobbies:  Exercising, quality time with my children, resting, and enjoying all that is good and wonderful

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Education:  PhD in Sociology & Equity Studies in Education - University of Toronto 

This I Believe:  Transformative power of education, in social change through non-violence and equity and social justice for our most marginalized communities.

Hobbies:  Reading, hiking, pottery and a good bottle of wine

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Education:  BA English - University of Arizona; MPhil English - CUNY Graduate Center

This I Believe:  If education is to be liberatory, then it must be reflective, intentional, and collaborative, starting from our collective knowledge and experiences, allowing us to question and understand and transform the world we live in.

Hobbies:  Surfing, visiting family in Brazil, punk shows, strolling around the city

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Education:  BS Broadcast Journalism & Telecommunications - Syracuse University; MS Education - Long Island University 

This I Believe:  Teaching and learning is about unpacking and expressing our messy, painful and traumatic ideas and experiences. It's also about joy. 

Hobbies:  Traveling, discovering new music, hiking, collecting rocks from hikes

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Education:  BA International Studies - Barry University; Master of Library Studies - University of Washington

This I Believe:  Bring curiosity, integrity, courage and joy to my personal and professional life that sustain awareness and action. Co-create communities of racial equity and social justice grounded in love.

Hobbies:  Contemplative walks, singing, word puzzles, reading, reminiscing

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