Implement Your Project

When the funder informs the college that your grant proposal is approved for funding, the Grants Office will schedule a "Launch Meeting" with the dean, project director/primary investigator (PI) and Business Office to celebrate and review the grant objectives, reporting requirements, and other commitments related to the award.
1.    Project Director and Division/Department Responsibilities 
The project director/primary investigator Agreement (pdf) clarifies the responsibilities of the project director/PI and division/department for budget and project management; these responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Implementing the scope of work, including completing grant deliverables and meeting outcomes and results
  • Complying with the grant/contract terms and conditions and applicable rules and regulations
  • Financial management, including ensuring that costs are reasonable, allocable, and allowable 

Before starting grant/contract activities, the project director/PI must: 

  • Provide the College Business Office with a copy of the grant application/proposal and award letter, which is the basis for the Business Office to create budget number for the grant/contract, and
  • Initiate a Financial Aid Program Code (FAPC) request by coordinating with the Financial Aid Office and College Business Office. If the grant/contract pays for tuition, fees, parking, or any other charges on behalf of students, the Financial Aid Office will create a FAPC form that the College Business Office will review before the FAPCs are approved and activated. 

The Post-Award Checklist (pdf) outlines the steps that the Department must take to set up and monitor the grant budgets, comply with Time & Effort Requirements for employees paid with federal funds, and ensure that the college bills the funder in a timely and accurate way.

2.    Support and Technical Assistance 
The Grants Office and Business Office are available to provide additional, ongoing support, including assistance with setting up subcontracts with partnering organizations and purchasing equipment.

The Grants Office will schedule periodic reviews of grant progress throughout the life of the project and will work with the project director/primary investigator to close out the grant.


Stephanie Wong
Director of Grants and Strategic Initiatives

Ana Brunets
Associate Director, Business Operations 

The following links may be helpful in successfully implementing your projects:

Seattle Central/Seattle District

Seattle College District Procedure 670: SCD Grants and Contracts (pdf)

Business Operations at Seattle Central College

Time and Effort

Records required to ensure that the percentage of time worked is reconciled with the percentage of time charged against the federal budget.

State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
