Associate of Science - Transfer, Track 1 (LRST1AS)
This program is designed for students who wish to complete an Associate of Science – Track 1 degree with a concentration in Environmental Health. It also allows students to transfer at the junior level into an Environmental Science program at a four-year college or university or complete a Bachelor of ...
This program is designed for students who wish to complete an Associate of Science – Track 1 degree with a concentration in Environmental Health. It also allows students to transfer at the junior level into an Environmental Science program at a four-year college or university or complete a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) from a Washington state community college.
This versatile STEM degree paves the way for careers with highly competitive salaries. Many graduates go directly to work, starting careers as environmental health specialists, workplace safety managers, public health consultants and policy advisers.
Completion of this program prepares students to transfer at the junior level to an Environmental Health program at a four-year college or university, as well as opening doors to a wide variety of related careers.
This program is designed for students who wish to complete an Associate of Science – Track 1 degree with a concentration in Environmental Health. It also allows students to transfer at the junior level into an Environmental Science program at a four-year college or university or complete a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) from a Washington state community college.
This versatile STEM degree paves the way for careers with highly competitive salaries. Many graduates go directly to work, starting careers as environmental health specialists, workplace safety managers, public health consultants and policy advisers.
Completion of this program prepares students to transfer at the junior level to an Environmental Health program at a four-year college or university, as well as opening doors to a wide variety of related careers.
Estimated Length of Completion
Associate of Science - Transfer, Track 1 (LRST1AS)
Full time : 7
You may need more or fewer units depending on your transferred credits, individual situation, and goals.
Step 1: Apply and register
at Seattle Central College anytime (the application is always free). Once you become a student, register for classes using the
online class schedule and go to the
academic calendar for registration dates and tuition deadlines.
Step 2: See an advisor
to create a personalized educational plan by the end of your second quarter.
Your plan will include prerequisites, graduation requirements, and transfer preparation
if you plan to transfer to another college or university to earn a bachelor's degree.
Sample Schedule and Quarterly To-Do List
90-108 Units
A sample schedule and quarterly to-do list are below.
The schedule and to-do list will help you explore courses and complete tasks on time.
The guide assumes a fall quarter start and college placement, but you can begin in any quarter and start at any placement level.
Note about the sample schedule: Classes are offered in
various formats such as online (e-learning) and may not be offered each quarter.
Click the button with arrows throughout the map to expand the section and view detailed information.
to see details
Quarter 1
To-Do List
To-Do List
Schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor in Starfish to discuss your academic goals and to create a short-term educational plan
Drop by the Library to get help with research; check out resources; access computers and study space; and create media projects
Apply to the Ready Set Transfer (RST) Academy
General Chemistry Prep
5 units
CHEM&139 5 units
CHEM& 139:
General Chemistry Prep
Lecture. Includes chemical mathematics, basic atomic structure, chemical bonding, chemical equation balancing, mole concept and chemical stoichiometry.
Course ID 0713455 Units
Intro to Env Science W/ Lab
5 units
ENVS&101 5 units
ENVS& 101:
Intro to Environmental Science W/Lab
Covers natural principles governing operation of the environment including interaction between humans and the environment, emphasizing attitudes and actions to maintain a healthy ecosystem. This course has a lab component focusing on major topics in environmental science. Not open for credit to students who have taken ENVS 150 or ENVS&100.
Course ID 0714325 Units
Precalculus I
5 units
MATH&141 5 units
MATH& 141:
Precalculus I
The sequence Math& 141 and Math& 142 covers polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; related functional and algebraic topics; topics in analytic geometry; systems of equations; trig and inverse trig functions; right triangle and oblique triangle trig; polar coordinates; vectors; and related trig applications. Fulfills the QSR requirement for A.A. degree.
Course ID 0716175 Units
Orientation to College
3 units
HDC101 3 units
HDC 101:
Orientation to College Success
Enrollment in this course is optional but recommended for new students.
Assists new students in their adjustment to community college. Includes goal-setting, self-motivation skills, identifying college resources, personal development and general study hints.
Course ID 0695893 Units
Quarter 2
To-Do List
To-Do List
Research and develop a list of four-year colleges and universities
The sequence Math& 141 and Math& 142 covers polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; related functional and algebraic topics; topics in analytic geometry; systems of equations; trig and inverse trig functions; right triangle and oblique triangle trig; polar coordinates; vectors; and related trig applications. Fulfills the QSR requirement for A.A. degree.
Course ID 0716185 Units
General Chemistry W/ Lab I
6 units
CHEM&161 6 units
CHEM& 161:
General Chemistry W/ Lab I
For science majors. A three-quarter sequence introducing basic concepts of chemistry: structure and bonding, chemical reactivity, physical measurement, stoichiometry, structure of matter, gas laws, intermolecular forces, solutions, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acid/base, thermodynamics, redox and electrochemistry. Satisfies the general chemistry requirement for science and engineering majors, pre-Med, pre-Pharmacy, pre-Veterinary, etc. Lab included.
Course ID 0713466 Units
English Composition I
5 units
ENGL&101 5 units
ENGL& 101:
English Composition I
This pathway assume placement into ENGL&101. Speak to an advisor if you place into a different English course.
English 101 is a college-level writing course that emphasizes academic writing and major strategies of reading and writing analytically. Writing assignments focus on engaging with and responding to a variety of texts. Instruction encourages students to develop, through revision and reflection, as readers, writers, and critical thinkers.
Visit potential universities and determine application deadlines
Meet with Transfer Center advisor to determine transfer eligibility
Attend the University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium
General Chemistry W/ Lab II
6 units
CHEM&162 6 units
CHEM& 162:
General Chemistry W/ Lab II
For science majors. Second of three-quarter sequence introducing basic chemistry concepts: structure, bonding, chemical reactivity, physical measurement, stoichiometry, structure of matter, gas laws, intermolecular forces, solutions, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acid/base, thermodynamics, redox and electrochemistry. Satisfies the general chemistry requirement for science and engineering majors, pre-Med, pre-Pharmacy, pre-Veterinary, etc. Lab included.
Course ID 0713476 Units
Calculus I
5 units
MATH&151 5 units
MATH& 151:
Calculus I
The sequence MATH&151, &152 and &163 covers limits, differential calculus and its applications, integral calculus and its applications, intro to differential equations, series including Taylor series, vector geometry in three dimensions, multivariable calculus, partial differentiation, double integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates and applications.
Course ID 0716215 Units
Majors Cellular Biology W/ Lab
5 units
BIOL&211 5 units
BIOL& 211:
Majors Cellular Biology W/ Lab
Major's Cell is the first course in a three-quarter sequence that introduces fundamental biology concepts to students pursuing careers in medicine, dentistry, cell biology, microbiology, or veterinary medicine. BIOL&211 focuses on the cellular and molecular basis of life, cellular metabolism, genetic inheritance, and the expression and regulation of genes. Includes Lab.
Course ID 0713125 Units
Quarter 4
To-Do List
To-Do List
Create long-term educational plan with your assigned advisor
Research and contact Environmental Health departments at potential universities
Attend transfer workshops and a transfer fair
Attend transfer day at prospective university
Write your personal statement for university applications
Majors Animal W/ Lab
5 units
BIOL&212 5 units
BIOL& 212:
Majors Animal W/ Lab
Continuation of the three-quarter college biology sequence. Emphasis is placed on the biological diversity of animals, general principles of animal physiology, growth and development, and organ system relationships, with an underlying theme of evolution. This course is intended for students planning to major in the biological sciences, allied health, or veterinary medicine. Includes lab.
Course ID 0713135 Units
General Chemistry W/ Lab III
6 units
CHEM&163 6 units
CHEM& 163:
General Chemistry W/ Lab III
For science majors. Covers chemistry principles, structure of matter, atomic and molecular theory, the elements, quantitative relationships, nuclear chemistry, aqueous solutions, kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, oxidation and reduction, electro-chemistry, periodicity, equilibrium systems, qualitative analysis and organic chemistry. Fulfills the QSR requirement for A.A. degree. Lab included.
Course ID 0713486 Units
Calculus II
5 units
MATH&152 5 units
MATH& 152:
Calculus II
The sequence MATH&151, &152 and &163 covers limits, differential calculus and its applications, integral calculus and its applications, intro to differential equations, series including Taylor series, vector geometry in three dimensions, multivariable calculus, partial differentiation, double integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates and applications. Fulfills QSR requirement for A.A. degree.
Course ID 0716225 Units
Quarter 5
To-Do List
To-Do List
Apply to universities or colleges and scholarships
Look for summer internships such as Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs).
Plan to participate in the transfer student events at prospective universities
Apply for FAFSA or WASFA at transfer university
Majors Plant W/ Lab
5 units
BIOL&213 5 units
BIOL& 213:
Majors Plant W/ Lab
Final quarter in the series. Emphasis on evolution, ecology and the biological principles of algae, fungi and plants, including their physiology, anatomy, growth process and diversity. Includes Lab.
Course ID 0713145 Units
Organic Chemistry I
4 units
CHEM&241 4 units
CHEM& 241:
Organic Chemistry I
The first course in a three-quarter sequence that includes introduction to organic chemistry, chemistry of carbon compounds and what makes them unique from other branches of chemistry. It covers structure and bonding, functional groups, nomenclature and stereoisomers, preparation, synthesis and reactions of various types of organic molecules, including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and alkyl halides.
Course ID 0713494 Units
Visual, Literary and Perf Arts or World Languages 1
Choose a course
5 units
Visual, Literary and Perf Arts or World Languages 1 5 units
Choose a World Language level 1 or other Visual, Literary, and Perf Arts class from the hyperlink below.
The second course in a three-quarter sequence that is the continuation of the chemistry of carbon compounds. This course covers alkane, alkene, alcohol and aromatic functional groups and their nomenclature, structure, and reactivity. There is also the continuation of study of arrow pushing mechanisms. Modern instrumentation such as FTIR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy are introduced.
Course ID 0713504 Units
Visual, Literary and Perf Arts or World Languages 2
Choose a course
5 units
Visual, Literary and Perf Arts or World Languages 2 5 units
Choose a World Language level 2 or other Visual, Literary, and Per Art class from the hyperlink below.
(Formerly MATH 109) Covers descriptive methods, probability and probability distributions, samples, decisions, hypothesis testing and statistical inferences. Fulfills QSR requirement for A.A. degree.
First quarter of a two-quarter organic chemistry laboratory sequence. Entails purification techniques, synthesis & spectral analysis of representative compounds.
Course ID 0713524 Units
Choose a Course
5 units
Individuals/Cultures/Societies 5 units
Click on the hyperlink. Choose any course from the list.
Continuation of the composition sequence with further instruction and practice in the writing process, concentrating on critical reading and writing techniques needed for the preparation and completion of documented essays.
Course ID 0707835 Units
CMST& 101:
Introduction to Communication
Intro to communication as a transactional process, with attention to personal, cultural, group and public communication. Covers verbal and nonverbal messages, listening, self-concept and perception.
Course ID 0706265 Units
CMST& 220:
Public Speaking
Covers the process of getting started with confidence; topic selection and research; and preparation and delivery of informative, persuasive, special occasion and other forms of presentations. Prereq: Placement into ENGL& 101.
It's time to apply for Financial Aid for next year by completing either the
FAFSA or the
WASFA 2025-26.
Need help paying for college?
To apply for financial aid, including grants and scholarships you don’t have to pay back, visit
Central's Financial Aid Department for details.
Part-time and full-time students can qualify for financial aid funds.
An Environmental Health pathway can lead to various career opportunities. Examples include:
Environmental Scientist
Marine Biologist
Environmental Education Officer
Environmental Engineer
Nature Conservation Officer
Environmental Engineer
Recycling Officer
Sustainability Consultant
Waste Management Officer
Water Quality Scientist
Environmental Lawyer
Environmental Consultant
A Bachelor’s degree or higher may be required for some careers listed above. For current employment and wage estimates, please visit To discuss additional careers options, speak with faculty once you begin classes or contact the Career Exploration Center. or 206.934.4383
Future Education Opportunities
Once you complete this Associate degree, additional education opportunities include:
A Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health or a related field at a four-year college or university.
Seattle Central College has direct transfer agreements with four-year institutions throughout Washington state, including University of Washington, Washington State University and Seattle University. Environmental Health graduates from Central have also transferred to out-of-state institutions. Program and admissions requirements vary from college to college. Contact an advisor to create an educational plan tailored to transfer to the institution of your choice. You can use the College Navigator search engine found at to find Environmental Health programs in Washington state or around the country.