Fee Table

Add/Drop Administrative Fee (FQ)  
This fee covers costs associated with processing and dispersing registration refunds.  
Fee is charged per refund for a complete or partial withdrawal from classes.  

Computer Lab Fee (CL)  
Fee covers costs associated with providing student use of campus computer-related technology and services.  
Fee is charged upon enrollment in a class requiring use of a computer lab or campus servers. The fee is charged per class.  
$65.97 (class)

Culinary Locker Fee  
Locker fee will cover the cost to SCA of supplying a lock to every student when they receive their locker assignment. This is a one-time fee for first quarter students and will cover their initial lock and any subsequent lock needs. 

Late Registration Fee (LT)  
Covers costs associated with handling late registration petitions and approvals. Petitions require documentation of extenuating circumstances that prevented registration during the standard timeframe, and are only considered for students who attended the classes for which they are petitioning prior to the 10th day of the quarter (8th for summer).  
Fee is charge per credit when petitioning for late registration accommodation.  

Nursing Materials  
Pays for necessary supplies to run the nursing labs across 3 campuses. 

NA-C Skills Exam Fee   

Returned Check Fee (AZ)  
Fee to cover costs associated with checks returned due to insufficient funds.  
Fee is charged per returned check.  
Questions? Contact the Cashier’s office: Cashier.Central@seattlecolleges.edu 

SA: Intensive English  

Self-Support, Telecourses, or Continuing Education Fees   
Listed in the quarterly class schedule. 

Skills Development Material Fee (AM)  
AM: Skills Development Material Course Fee for APPRL99 

Student Activity Fee  
Students enrolled in five or more credits of state–funded on campus courses. 
$60.00 per quarter

STCW Basic Training  
Cover the cost of the required STCW Basic Training course conducted by MITGAS (a partner school). 

Student Photo ID Card (AA)  
Covers costs associated with production and management of Seattle Central student identification cards. 
One-time charge. 

Transcript Fee (FT)  
Fee to cover costs associated with issuing official NSC academic transcripts.  
Fee is charged per transcript at time of request.  
*There is an additional $2.90 fee per order for online transcript requests. 

Transportation Management Plan Fee (CP)  
Covers costs related to compliance with city transportation and parking laws.  
Fee is charged per quarter for students enrolled in 10 or more credits (or equivalent).  
$0 (1-9 cr.)  
$15.00 (10+ cr.)

Instructional Technology Fee  
Fee covers costs associated with administration and support of instructional technology including the college’s Learning Management System and Video Recording Software. Fee is charged per quarter per credit. Students enrolled in less than 4 credits, non-credit classes, ABL/ESL courses are exempt.   

Upper Division Instructional Resources Fee  
For all 300+ level and above class 
$7 per credit

Universal Technology Fee (UT)  
Covers costs associated with student-oriented technology improvements and initiatives that have no other funding source.  
Fee is charged quarterly per credit, for up to 10 credits. Students enrolled in less than 4 credits are exempt.  
$0 (1-3 cr.)  
$3.00/cr. (4-10 cr.) 
Max $54.00 per quarter