Department Directory
Use this table to find contact information for Seattle Central departments and programs. To find a specific person, please check out the Employee Directory.
Department | Phone | Room |
Administration Center | 206.934.5417 | BE4180 |
Admissions & Outreach Services | 206.934.5450 | BE1104 |
Advising Center | 206.934.4068 | BE1102D |
Allied Health | 206.934.4347 | HEC202 / BE3208B |
Art Gallery | 206.934.4379 | BE2116 |
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences | 206.934.4164 | BE4128 |
Atrium | 206.934.4393 | BE1143 |
Auxiliary Services | 206.934.3202 | BE1143 |
Basic and Transitional Studies | 206.934.4180 | BE3122 |
Bookstore | 206.934.4148 | SAC250 |
Broadway Performance Hall | 206.325.3052 | BA303 / BE1143 |
Business and Behavioral Sciences | 206.934.6901 | BE3220 |
Business Operations | 206.934.4190 | BE1104 |
Career Services Center | 206.934.4383 | BE1102E1 |
Cashier's Office | 206.934.4108 | BE1104 |
College Success Program | 206.934.3168 | BE3225 |
College Transfer Center | 206.934.5469 | BE1102F |
Communications & Marketing | 206.934.5487 | BE4180 |
Computer Center | 206.934.4194 | BE3148 |
Computing Helpdesk (Broadway campus) | 206.934.6333 | BE3148 |
Continuing Education / Community Education | 206.934.5448 | BE1140 |
Cooperative Education / Internship Program | 206.934.5422 | BE1103 |
Copy Center | 206.934.5419 | BE3105A |
Counseling | 206.934.5407 | BE3166 |
Custodial Services | 206.934.3823 | BE1142 |
Accessibility Resource Center | 206.934.4183 | BE1103 |
Distance Education | 206.934.4060 | BE1140 |
Engineering | 206.934.3823 | BE1142 |
Enrollment Services | 206.934.3842 | BE1104 |
Erickson Theatre | 206.934.3052 | |
Evening / Saturday Programs | 206.934.5448 | BE1140 |
Financial Aid Office | 206.934.3844 | BE1104 |
Food Services | 206.934.4319 | BE1143 |
Foundation | 206.934.5491 | BE4180 |
GED Preparation | 206.934.4180 | BE3122 |
GED Testing | 206.934.6344 | BE1106 |
Human Resources | 206.934.4017 | BE4177-78 |
ID Center | 206.934.4425 | BE1104D |
Information Central | 206.934.4030 | BE1105 |
Information Technology Academic Programs (Business) | 206.934.3150 | BE3176 |
Information Technology Services (NEED) | 206.934.6333 | BE3148 |
Institutional Effectiveness | 206.934.5411 | BE4180 |
Instructional Resource Services | 206.934.5421 | BE2101 |
International Education Programs | 206.934.3893 | BE1113 |
Jazz Program | 206.934.6338 | BE4128 |
Language Courses | 206.934.4164 | BE4128 |
Learning Center Seattle | 206.934.4301 | BE2130 |
Library | 206.934.4050 | BE2101 |
Lost and Found | 206.934.5442 | BE1108 |
Mailroom | 206.934.6966 | BE1136 |
Mainstay | 206.934.3813 | BE3210 |
MESA | BE3221 | |
Mitchell Activity Center | 206.934.6315 | SAC314 |
Multicultural Services | 206.934.3133 | BE1103 |
Need Line, Computing Helpdesk (Central Campus Only) | 206.934.6333 | |
Office of Instruction | 206.934.5475 | BE4180 |
Office of Investments and Partnerships | 206.587.5484 | BE4180 |
Outreach & Recruitment Services | 206.934.3898 | BE1104 |
Parent Child Center | 206.934.6906 | SVI |
Parking and Transportation | 206.934.3202 | BE1143 |
President’s Office | 206.934.4144 206.934.5417 |
BE4180 |
Professional Technical Education | 206.934.6310 | BE5166 |
Public Information Office | 206.934.3848 | BE4180 |
Public Safety Office (Security) | 206.934.5442 | BE1108 |
Receiving | 206.934.6966 | BE1112 |
Registration | 206.934.6918 | BE1104 |
Running Start | 206.934.3820 | BE1102C1 |
Science & Math Study Center | 206.934.3858 | SAM100 |
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM): Science & Math, Information Technology and Business Technology Management | 206.934.3859 | SAM110 |
Seattle Collegian | BE4108 | |
Seattle Culinary Academy | 206.934.5424 | BE2120 |
Seattle Maritime Academy | 206.934.2647 | TR334 |
Seattle Vocational Institute | 206.934.4950 | |
Service-Learning Program | 206.934.6997 | BE 1103 |
Social & Human Services | 206.934.6901 | BE3220 |
Student Leadership | 206.934.6924 | SAC350 |
Student Support Programs | BE3215 | |
Teacher Training / Education Programs | 206.934.5448 | BE1140 |
Teaching and Learning Center | 206.934.6323 | BE3111 |
Testing and Assessment | 206.934.6915 | BE1106 |
The Buzz | ||
Transcripts | 206.934.3805 | BE1104 |
TRIO | 206.934.3852 | BE1102B |
Tutoring | 206.934.3852 | BE2102 |
Veteran’s Affairs Office | 206.934.4491 | BE3204 |
VP of Administrative Services | 206.934.4193 | BE4180 |
VP of Instruction | 206.934.5481 | BE4180 |
VP of Student Services | 206.934.3851 | BE4180 |
Women’s Programs | 206.934.3854 | SA101 |
Wood Technology | 206.934.5460 | WC326 |
Worker Retraining | 206.934.3854 | BE5166 |
Workforce Programs | 206.934.3854 | BE5166 |