Internship Information for Employers
At Seattle Central, we know that your business is special. You provide an important line of products or services and you require employees who understand your way of doing business. You look for people who are knowledgeable in their fields, able to solve on–the–job problems, and can adapt to your operations.
How the Cooperative Education/Internship Program can meet your needs
Through our program, you have access to qualified, motivated students who possess a wide range of skills and are available to meet your temporary or long–term employment needs. Students work part–time in businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations and attend class on a part–time or full–time basis.
This educational approach combines academic coursework with supervised career–related experience and provides students with an opportunity to explore or clarify career choices and acquire career related experience; improve existing skills, or learn new skills applicable to future employment; and earn college credit.
By participating in the Co–op Program, your organization can:
- Reduce recruitment and training costs by evaluating prospective employees.
- Participate in and influence the educational process.
- Develop a partnership with Seattle Central, an institution pledged to serve Seattle.
Selection of Student Employees
Employers who wish to participate in the program are encouraged to submit a job or internship description through Handshake, the Seattle Colleges career/employment platform.
Visit our website to learn how to get started.
If this is your first time using Handshake, we recommend looking at the New Employer Guide.
You interview and select students. There is no obligation to retain students who do not meet your standards of employment.
Students typically work 10–25 hours per week and earn 2–5 credits per quarter for jobs, or paid/unpaid internships. Internships are generally 8–12 weeks in length. Students in college transfer or technical programs can participate in the program.
Additional Details
If you are a for–profit company, please read the following: Fact Sheet #71: Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act (pdf) from the U.S. Department of Labor. This fact sheet provides general information to help employers determine whether interns are entitled to wages. Seattle Central College reserves the right to reject positions where the primary beneficiary appears to be the employer rather than the student.
Unpaid internships for public sector and non-profit charitable organizations, where the intern volunteers without expectation of compensation, are generally permissible, although we encourage these organizations to consider offering compensation to students.