Associate of Science
With an Associate of Science degree, you will be prepared to transfer to a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) program at the university of your choice. Learn more about specific programs offered Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Division.
Associate of Science – Transfer (AS-T): If you are interested in a particular STEM field, we offer two degree options with more specific course requirements.
- Track 1: Specialization in biological sciences, environmental/resources sciences, chemistry, geology and earth sciences. AS-T Track 1 Planning Guide (pdf)
- Track 2: Specialization in engineering, computer science, physics and atmospheric science. AS-T Track 2 Planning Guide (pdf)
The AS DTA has been renamed as Academic Transfer SciFocus DTA.
Learning Outcomes
Students completing the Academic Transfer SciFocus DTA Degree should:
- Think: Analyze, create, and reflect to address and appreciate challenges and opportunities
- Collaborate: Work effectively with others to learn, complete tasks, and pursue common goals
- Communicate: Exchange ideas and information through intentional listening, speaking, signing, reading, writing, or presenting
- Connect: Apply knowledge and skills to solve problems
- Continue Learning: Self-evaluate to act and improve knowledge and skills
- Scientific Inquiry and Analysis: Use a systematic process to explore issues, artifacts, or phenomena through the collection and analysis of evidence to reach informed conclusions
- Quantitative Literacy: Reason and solve quantitative problems in a wide array of contexts and use quantitative evidence to develop and communicate sound arguments
Basic Requirements (20 Credits)
- ENG 101 and ENG 102 (10 credits)
- Mathematics (MATH) – five credits: 116,&141, &142, &148, &151, &152, &153,220, 224
- Computer Science (CSC) – five credits: 110, 111, 142, 143, or ENGR 142
For details about the basic requirements for the Academic Transfer SciFocus DTA Degree, enrolled students should contact Advising.
Distribution Requirements (30 Credits)
Humanities & Arts | Social Sciences | Science & Math:
Course listings often change. Students should confer with their college advising office for the most current information.
Visual, Literary & Performing Arts (15 credits):
Courses in this area include languages, literature, art, music, drama, and communication. Choices must include a minimum of two different course prefixes, and no more than 5 credits each of a world language at the 100 level and a studio/performance class may be applied to the distribution requirements.
Individuals, Cultures, & Societies (15 Credits)
Courses in this area include social sciences such as anthropology, psychology, and sociology, as well as areas of study like history, philosophy, and ethnic and gender studies. Choices must include a minimum of two different course prefixes.
Natural World and Pre–Major Requirements (40 Credits)
Courses in this area include physical and life sciences and certain mathematics, computer science, and social science courses. Choices must include a minimum of two different prefixes; 9 credits must be in a lab science.
Course selection should be in compliance with major requirements as indicated by the four-year institution to which the student is planning to transfer. See an Advisor or Counselor prior to beginning your program of study.
Associate of Science Degree - Track 1
The Associate of Science Degree (Track 1) has more specific requirements than the general Academic SciFocus DTA Degree. It is intended for those students who wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree in the Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Sciences.
For more information about the requirements for this degree, enrolled students should contact Advising.
Associate of Science Degree - Track 2
The Associate of Science Degree (Track 2) has more specific requirements than the general Academic SciFocus DTA Degree. It is intended for those students who wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree in Atmospheric Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering or Physics.
For more information about the requirements for this degree, enrolled students should contact Advising.
Variable Credits/Electives (Minimum 5 Credits)
Variable credits/electives depend on the major requirements. These should be taken from declared major college level courses not previously taken to fulfill a total of 90 credits.
Total credits required for Academic Transfer SciFocus DTA Degree: 90 credits
Basic Requirements (20 Credits)
- ENG 101 and ENG 102 (10 credits)
- Mathematics (MATH) – five credits: 116,&141, &142, &148, &151, &152, &153,220, 224
- Computer Science (CSC) – five credits: 110, 111, 142, 143, or ENGR 142
For details about basic requirements for the AS degree, enrolled students can run Degree Audit or download the AS degree planning sheet (above).
Distribution Requirements (30 Credits)
Humanities & Arts | Social Sciences | Science & Math
Course listings often change. Students should confer with their college advising office for the most current information, run Degree Audit, or consult the AS degree planning sheet (above).
Visual, Literary & Performing Arts (15 credits):
Courses in this area include languages, literature, art, music, drama, and communication. Choices must include a minimum of two different course prefixes, and no more than 5 credits each of a world language at the 100 level and a studio/performance class may be applied to the distribution requirements.
Individuals, Cultures, & Societies (15 Credits)
Courses in this area include social sciences such as anthropology, psychology, and sociology, as well as areas of study like history, philosophy, and ethnic and gender studies. Choices must include a minimum of two different course prefixes.
Natural World and Pre–Major Requirements (40 Credits)
Courses in this area include physical and life sciences and certain mathematics, computer science, and social science courses. Choices must include a minimum of two different prefixes; 9 credits must be in a lab science.
Course selection should be in compliance with major requirements as indicated by the four-year institution to which the student is planning to transfer. See an Advisor or Counselor prior to beginning your program of study.
Associate of Science Degree - Track 1
The Associate of Science Degree (Track 1) has more specific requirements than the general Associate of Science Degree. It is intended for those students who wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree in the Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Sciences.
For more information about the requirements for this degree, enrolled students can run Degree Audit, or consult the AS degree (Track 1) planning sheet (above).
Associate of Science Degree - Track 2
The Associate of Science Degree (Track 2) has more specific requirements than the general Associate of Science Degree. It is intended for those students who wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree in Atmospheric Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering or Physics.
For more information about the requirements for this degree, enrolled students can run Degree Audit, or consult the AS degree (Track 2) planning sheet (above).
Variable Credits/Electives (Minimum 5 Credits)
Variable credits/electives depend on the major requirements. These should be taken from declared major college level courses not previously taken to fulfill a total of 90 credits.
Total credits required for Associate of Science Degree: 90 Credits