Apply for Veterans Benefits

New Students

Determine what benefits are available to you and plan the funding for your education.

  • Visit the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Education & Training website to Apply for Educational Benefits (VONAPP).
  • In addition to applying for veterans benefits, you should complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to discover if you qualify for additional funding. If you are Active Duty National Guard a completed FAFSA will determine if you are eligible for grant funding.
  • Eligible for the Worker Retraining Program? Contact Worker Retraining to learn more and access your benefits.

Enroll at Seattle Central College.

  • Submit transcripts from other colleges you have attended to the Admissions Office for evaluation.
  • Take a Placement Test if you have not previously taken college–level English or math classes.
  • Register for Classes Veterans are eligible to register prior to the standard period, so register early! Note: If you plan to register for 1/4 time or less, you will receive funding for tuition but not for books and other expenses.
  • Pay and prepare. Veterans have a 10–day "hold period" for submitting payment.

Bring the following to the Financial aid office:

  • Transcript evaluation
  • Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the VA
  • A copy of your DD214 Member Copy 4
  • Notice of Basic Eligibilty (NOBE)

Financial Aid Office/Veterans
Room BE1104

Current Students

Register for Classes.

  • Veterans may register early! Login to view your Registration Appointment Time.
  • Inform the Veterans Affairs Program Coordinator Tran, Diem-thuy that you are registered for the following quarter.
  • Register for classes that are required for your Veterans–approved degree or certificate.
  • Maintain satisfactory Academic Progress.
    • Grades are checked at the end of each quarter.
    • You may owe funds back to the Veterans Affairs Program Coordinator if you withdraw or drop classes.
    • You may also owe money back to the Veterans Affairs Program Coordinator if you receive a non–punitive grade.

Notify Veterans Affairs of any changes in your enrollment. Verify your enrollment (and release monthly payments) by calling 1.877.823.2378 or record your attendance at W.A.V.E.