Informal Complaint

Step #1

The person you are having the problem with is always the best person to talk to first. We strongly encourage a student who has a complaint to communicate (via email, phone, video conference, or in person) directly with the college employee most responsible for the condition or situation that is the cause of the complaint, and hopefully solve the problem with dialogue. Most problems are resolved at this stage with calm objective conversation and goodwill. If you are uneasy about how to approach the subject, any of the following people (in addition to the complaints officer) can advise and assist you:

  • Your division counselor is an excellent resource to assist you. Contact them via email at for information about counselors.
  • Human Resources Officer, 206.934.4017, can provide information and guidance about retaliation, sexism, and sexual harassment.
  • The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, 206.934.4006, can assist you with concerns about racial discrimination.

For additional resources that can provide support contact Student Development/Student Leadership at 206-934-6935. For assistance a student should contact, the Student Complaint Designee to identify, should the student choose, a student complaint process advocate, someone on campus that can accompany the student through the process.

Step #2

If your conversation (via email, phone, video conference, or in person) with the instructor or staff member does not result in a satisfactory response, or if there is some reason that makes it inappropriate to speak with the employee, the next step is to make an appointment to speak with the employee’s supervisor. Normally this will be the director, manager, or dean of the division or program. See Resource for division and dean contact information.