Get Involved
Our program provides individualized support to enhance learning and aid in the development of self-advocacy skills for students in the Basic and Transitional Studies Division at Seattle Central College.
Students in our division are working towards attaining higher education and employment by taking classes in English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), and GED preparation. We work with students to develop basic English, reading, writing, and math skills so that they can reach their goals.
Steps to Get Involved
1. Fill Out the Form. Begin by completing this form below:
Application Form
(this link might be designed as the yellow button ' Become a Volunteer Tutor Application')
2. Schedule an Interview. A tutoring specialist will contact you to schedule an in-person or Zoom interview. We will discuss your interests and concerns during this interview and share our volunteering options. We will also discuss specific tutoring times, considering your availability, our schedule, and the student's needs.
3. Complete Paperwork. Finish the required volunteer onboarding paperwork and a background check.
4. Attend Orientation. Attend an online drop-in orientation session via Zoom."
Volunteer Opportunities
Tutors provide one-on-one assistance to a student who is learning English or preparing for the GED or college placement testing. Tutors help students understand basic reading, writing, grammatical, or math concepts and provide opportunities to practice the skills they are learning in class. Tutors work with students to develop activities that are relevant to the students’ needs and goals. Tutors generally meet with a student twice a week.
Talk Time Facilitator
Talk Time is meant to create informal spaces for ESL students to practice conversational skills outside their classes and build a sense of belonging at Seattle Central. Talk time with volunteers currently occurs Fridays from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Computer Skill Tutor
We also offer computer support on a drop-in basis. This is designed for students to drop by for a quick lesson on a specific computer skill that they need for class, i.e., how to share their screen on Zoom, how to upload a file in CANVAS, etc. These drop-in sessions will be conducted on Zoom.
Classroom Assistant
Classroom Assistants work with classroom teachers in ESL and ABE classes. Classes may focus on basic reading/writing, speaking/listening, computer skills, math, or communications. Classroom assistants provide extra help to students during class time. We place volunteers in classes based on the needs of the division as well as the interests and needs of the volunteer. We prefer candidates with previous teaching or tutoring experience but can be flexible depending on your skills and interests. Ultimately, classroom assistants work out their schedule and role with the teacher that they are partnered with.