
eTutoring Introduction & Policy Statement

eTutoring is a fully remote service that operates independently from Seattle Central’s Learning Support Network (LSN), (our on-campus & remote tutoring services).

If you are in need of tutoring past the LSN's normal operating hours (Mon-Thurs 10am-7pm [in person & online] & Sun 12-4pm [online only]) or need a subject that is not available through the Learning Support Network, eTutoring is a convenient alternative.

eTutoring is not an unlimited resource, however. Students can access up to 25 sessions maximum per quarter, so that all students needing after hours support or in subjects not typically available, can have the opportunity to utilize this service.

If you have hit your limit of sessions or find yourself in need of additional support, please contact the LSN.

Offices: BE 2102

Email: LSNtutoring.central@seattlecolleges.edu

Phone: 206-934-0972

Spring Hours of Operation

Monday, April 14th - Tuesday, June 17th

How to log into eTutoring

Navigate to the eTutoring log in page

Using your MySeattleColleges username and the temporary password provided Log into eTutoring services

  • Your username is the named part (john.smith) of your Seattle Colleges email (john.smith@seattlecolleges.edu)
  • The temporary password is: etutoring7-2021

Once you have successfully logged in for the first time you will be asked to create a permanent password before navigating into the eTutoring website

You must be a currently enrolled student for the quarter you are attempting to access eTutoring services

If you encounter any issues, please contact:
