Self-Paced FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ is intended to provide more information about Self-paced courses at Seattle Central.


Can I start and end a Self-paced course at any time?

While you can enroll in a self-paced course after the start of a quarter, you are NOT able to start and end a self-paced course at any time. Students cannot receive a grade on their transcript until after the end of first quarter they are enrolled. Contact the Self-paced office for quarter deadlines.

What are the criteria for completing a Self-paced Course?

In order to successfully complete a self-paced course, you will be required to submit ALL assignments and exams by the Course Completion date. This date is located in the Grades Module in Canvas.

How do I login to my Self-paced course?

Please see Login Instructions.

If I am unable to complete the course by the Completion Date, is there a way to receive an extension?

Students are eligible for an extension if they have completed half of their coursework. Extension requests must be submitted via email to the Self-paced office on or before the completion date. See the Student Handbook for a request form and additional details.

The fee for an extension is $50/course. Students who are granted an extension will have an additional 3 months from their course completion date to complete the class. Only one extension per course is allowed.

What type of examinations am I required to take to receive academic credit?

To receive academic credit for a course, students may be required to take non–proctored exams, unless otherwise specified. All assignments preceding the examinations must be submitted before examinations can be taken online.

Non–proctored exams are timed and unsupervised. Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the honor system. Exams will be administered via the internet.

What is the Honor System?

It is expected that each student will prepare his or her own lessons and that any lesson submitted will be the sole work of the student. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information, will not be tolerated. Violation of these rules will be considered Misconduct under the student code WAC 132F-120-110. Students suspected of misconduct will minimally receive a failing grade on the assignment and, at the instructor’s discretion, possibly receive a failing grade in the course or be referred to the Dean of Students. 

Where can I go to find additional resource materials related to the courses I am studying?

Students may access the Seattle Colleges District Libraries: Distance Education and eLearning program website.

How do I get my grades and transcripts?

Seattle Central College utilizes a numerical grading system. Students who complete a Self-paced course may look up their grades via ctcLink.

To request an official transcript, please see the Transcript pages.


What is the difference between a Self-paced course and an Online Course?

Self-paced courses allow late registration and up to 6 months to complete. Self-paced are not eligible for financial aid or included in state tuition fees. There is limited interaction with the faculty and most courses do not have student-to-student interaction.  Registration for Self-paced courses is done through the eLearning Website.


Online courses enroll within the quarter deadlines. They are eligible for financial aid and included in state tuition. They are also eligible for the State Tuition Waiver for state employees. Online courses have varied levels of interaction with the faculty and other students. Registration for Online courses is done through ctcLink.