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If you are already a Seattle Central college student, submit an enrollment request at the District Registration website. Be sure to enter your ctcLink ID number.
For instructions, click on the HOW TO ENROLL tab on the left.
First, apply for Admissions to Seattle Central College.
Information: https://seattlecentral.edu/get-started/enroll-now/admissions-info
How to Apply (steps): https://seattlecentral.edu/get-started/enroll-now/new-student
The Online application form: https://apply.ctc.edu/user
After your admissions application is complete and you have received your ctcLink ID #, submit an enrollment request at the District Registration website. Be sure to enter your ctcLink ID number.
For instructions, click on the HOW TO ENROLL tab on the left.
If you are a graduate in need of prerequisites or transfer credit, you can enroll in Self-paced courses. The college you are transferring the credit to determines if Seattle Central credit satisfies their college requirement. Consult with the advisor or credit evaluator at the college you are transferring credits to. Note: Seattle Central College transcripts do not designate the modality of the course.
If you have never taken a course at Seattle Central College or it has been over a year since you last attended, you will need to apply for Admissions to the college.
Information: https://seattlecentral.edu/get-started/enroll-now/admissions-info
How to Apply (steps): https://seattlecentral.edu/get-started/enroll-now/new-student
The Online application form: https://apply.ctc.edu/user
After your admissions application is complete and you have received your ctcLink ID #, submit an enrollment request at the District Registration website. Be sure to enter your ctcLink ID number.
For instructions, click on the HOW TO ENROLL tab on the left.
International students should consult with an International Advisor regarding the types of courses that you are required to take. If you are allowed to take Self-paced courses, there may be a limit to the amount of Self-paced credits per quarter.
To enroll in a Self-paced course, submit an enrollment request at the District Registration website.
For instructions, click on the HOW TO ENROLL tab on the left.
To enroll in a Self-paced course, submit an enrollment request at the District Registration website. Be sure to enter your ctcLink ID number.
For instructions, click on the HOW TO ENROLL tab on the left.Important notes:
After you have received your email confirmation of enrollment, be sure to hit reply and note that you are a Seattle Promise student.
Self-paced courses do not satisfy Financial Aid requirements. This means that your grade is not guaranteed to post immediately at the end of the quarter. It may take a few days to weeks for it to post, even if you have completed by last day of the quarter.
Running Start does not cover Self-paced course tuition. Students must pay self-pay on or before their payment due date.
To enroll in a Self-paced course, you must receive approval from your Running Start Advisor. After receiving email approval, forward their email to us at dislrn@seattlecolleges.edu or have them contact us directly.
After the approval is sent, you can submit an enrollment request at the District Registration website.
For instructions, click on the HOW TO ENROLL tab on the left.
You still need to apply for Admissions to Seattle Central College even if you are already and student at North or South campus.
Information: https://seattlecentral.edu/get-started/enroll-now/admissions-info
How to Apply (steps): https://seattlecentral.edu/get-started/enroll-now/new-student
The Online application form: https://apply.ctc.edu/user
After your admissions application is complete and you have received an email confirmation from the Admissions office, submit an enrollment request at the District Registration website.
For instructions, click on the HOW TO ENROLL tab on the left.