Member Responsibilities
Faculty representatives from each academic division are recommended by the Dean or administrator. PRC members serve a three-year term. Members:
- Attend all PRC meetings.
- Review program materials, complete a review rubric, and attend the review meeting to provide feedback to the program faculty.
- Chair program reviews as assigned (see below).
- Take on projects that facilitate PRC operation.
Chairing a Review
The PRC Chair oversees the entire committee, while a Review Chair oversees one particular review. Members of the PRC will generally serve on three reviews each year (one per quarter), serving as chair for one of those reviews.
- The PRC Chair contacts the program administrator and faculty 1 to 2 quarters before the review to inform them that their program is up for review and that you will be their contact person.
- If necessary, set a date for an informational meeting. The dean and faculty should attend this meeting. Print and copy the program review instructions for those attending the meeting.
- At the meeting, highlight the program review instructions on the PRC website and communicate all pertinent dates. Be sure the program understands that all information is due three weeks before the review meeting.
- If your review team has fewer than three members, seek ad hoc members from appropriate divisions. Talk to the PRC Chair for details.
- When materials have been submitted by the program, inform members of your review team and offer to circulate the hard copy of the program information, if a hard copy has been made. Make sure each member understands how to use the rubric.
- Set a deadline by which committee members should submit their comments/rubric to you.
- Organize the comments into sections such as “Comments,” “Questions,” and “Suggestions.”
- Run the meeting the day of the oral review. The PRC Chair will record minutes. If the PRC Chair is absent, assign a committee member to take minutes.
- Within two weeks of the review, draft a preliminary report using the final report template based on the committee's comments and the program's response (1-3 pages is sufficient). Send this report to the program and the review committee to solicit their edits and feedback. Send the final draft of the report to the Vice President for Instruction. When there are additional questions from the Vice President of Instruction or the committee, request a response from the program with any clarifications. Give a due date for the response.
- Incorporate any changes and responses into the final report and send to the PRC Chair who will forward it to the Vice President of Instruction and file it on the PRC website. This report should be completed within the same quarter of the review. For reviews that are scheduled late in the quarter, reports may be submitted within the first 3 weeks of the following quarter.
Responsibilities of the Program Review Committee Chair
The PRC chair is appointed by the Vice President for Instruction. The chair receives one third (1/3) release time or other arrangements as agreed upon to carry out PRC responsibilities. The chair serves a three-year term. Duties of the PRC chair include:
- Establishing meeting schedule, developing agenda items, and conducting meetings.
- Ensuring the development and acceptance of short-range objectives and long-range goals for the committee.
- Making provisions for recording and distributing minutes for each meeting.
- Facilitating program reviews by advising each review chair and communicating with the administrator and Vice President of Instruction as necessary.
- Informing faculty and administrators of the PRC process and providing training or guidance as needed; informing the Vice President for Instruction of policies recommended by the PRC.
- Maintaining or delegating responsibility for maintaining a PRC website, including schedule, forms, instructions, and other information.
- Maintaining a record of PRC activities, program reviews, policies and procedures, and other activities.
- Communicating with other curriculum committee chairs in the district.
- Providing a quarterly review of committee activities to the Vice President for Instruction.
- Serving on the Curriculum Coordinating Council.
- Working closely with the other curriculum committee chairs.